Peter James

Peter James
Current Position
Environmental Forestry Research Technician lll, Weyerhaeuser Company
Previous Position
Hydrology Technician, Stream Survey Crew Lead, and Restoration Biologist.
B.S. Environmental Studies
Q & A
Begin with a degree in science (biology, engineering, math, etc.) that will equip you with the essential basics. It is also very important that you take advantage of internships or seasonal jobs within your area of interest while completing undergraduate coursework to gain some applicable experience.
Opportunities will continue to exist in light of our current and future environmental issues.
Interest working in the outdoors and towards conservation and sound management of our natural resources, specifically with our aquatic resources.
Learning how to apply sound field methods in order to collect quality and credible data that will ultimately answer the objectives of a particular study.
There is always something to learn to fuel the curiosity of understanding the ecological function and process of forested landscapes, specifically riparian areas and their linkages to upslope environments.