Andrea Nifong

Andrea Nifong
Current Position
GIS Technician with McKim & Creed Engineering
Previous Position
Real Estate Agent, Paralegal
BS Environmental Technology, Graduate Certification in GIS
Q & A
This field is growing quickly. GIS is becoming common place in virtually every city in the nation and even internationally. People are paying incredible amounts of money to get systems into a GIS where they can be accurately managed.
Developing skills and experience with the technology that I feel is essential to the Environmental Consulting/Engineering field.
Working in the GIS field can put you in very delicate situations. It is a debated field that not many people can intelligently converse about. Thus working with people can be challenging when they are asking you for things but aren't quite sure what it is they want.
The capabilities of using GIS are so vast. Countless fields have utilized its capabilities to make the work they do easier and more accurate.